What does it mean?
Today, August 2,2017 is known as #earthovershootday. As of today, Humans have a credit over the planet, because we have already used more ecological resources and services than nature can regenerate. We have consumed our yearly natural resources by overfishing, overharvesting etc. Globally we now need 1,7 planets to cover our needs. France needs 3 planets while the USA needs 5…
Each year, the Global Footprint Network, an international research institute, calculates that day. And each year, it happens earlier, but the good news is that we can participate and change trend ! To understand what is at stake, check the video.

Overshoot Day 2017
Don’t panic, take action !
We can all raise awareness. Here are a few solutions and new tools, to inspire different ways to act. You can Calculate your footprint and also try to ride social. Find more positive actions by participating to #movethedate !
History of the concept
About a decade ago, in 2006, Andrew Simms from the New Economics Foundation, a UK think tank, created the concept of Earth Overshoot Day. The think tank partenered with Global Footprint Network to raise awareness on the subject. Since 2007, the World Widelife Fund (known as WWF, the largest conservation organization) has participated in the project.
In the news
Medias also present and write about special initiatives engaged by people who want to have change happen.
The New York Times recently reported about A freezing Swim to Call Attention to Warming Waters. And so did Le Monde In French.