5 Fév 2025
L’art, la culture, les transitions dans tous les sens… Ça vous parle ? Dans le cadre de son cycle de conférences sur l’aventure des transitions, le CNAM propose d’explorer le rôle du secteur culturel et plus précisément des musées et de l’art dans...
7 Juin 2018
A l’occasion de la journée mondiale de l’océan, nous vous présentons un projet réalisé avec Greenpeace Canada sur ce thème. Retrouvez le projet de brochure » Défendons nos océans » ici. Et pour en savoir plus sur la journée mondiale, c’est ici....
12 Oct 2017
Large and diverse: this is the US electricity system! The Carbon Brief developed a very interesting and interactive map of the US. Thanks to their research, we learn how the country generates electricity for each state, county per county. The satellite map precisely...
26 Sep 2017
It’s the story of a spoon… Yes but not just any spoon! Greenpeace tells us about this special tale in a pedagogical video. The story of plastic spoon we eat with. The purpose here is to raise awareness on the journey of common stuff. Our acts are meaningful. Buying...
2 Août 2017
What does it mean? Today, August 2,2017 is known as #earthovershootday. As of today, Humans have a credit over the planet, because we have already used more ecological resources and services than nature can regenerate. We have consumed our yearly natural resources by...
1 Août 2017
Something to be thinking about… Feeling lazy to walk a few hundred meters? Forgetting to lower heat or tun off lights at the office and at home? Taking the elevator rather than climbing a few steps? Buying exotic fruits and veggies coming from far far away? Shutting...