Something to be thinking about…
Feeling lazy to walk a few hundred meters? Forgetting to lower heat or tun off lights at the office and at home? Taking the elevator rather than climbing a few steps? Buying exotic fruits and veggies coming from far far away? Shutting down my computer, what for?
Did you ever ask yourself why making an effort counts? Well, if you answered yes to most of these questions, here’s some good news : you can do something to slightly modify our future! And slow the countdown to +2 degrees. Check the clock here!
Not heard about increasing 2°C?
Let’s begin then! Here’s something for you to start with the idea. Organizations, among which David Suzuky’s Foundation and Concordia University in Canada joined to set a clock calculating Earth remaining time to reach critical 2 Celsius on the surface of our planet. Check it here.
What do I do?
Together, let’s try to reflect on our daily habits… What we buy, eat or do has an impact. We can’t live elsewhere than in the present moment. But we can act responsibly according to what our steps are causing positively or not, as the butterfly effect theory says. Our future and our children’s lives are at stake. We do have a choice, a voice and can make a big difference stepping towards becoming more responsible and caring.